Friday, March 15, 2013

This work out business has me stumped

I plan my menus, I make a grocery list, and I work out according to our planned schedule.  So why am I not losing any more weight right now?  UGH!

Three weeks straight.  Lost .4 lbs.  There is a point before that 4.
As in not even half a pound!
Hubs is so encouraging.  I know he is right.  I am gaining muscle.  

The motivation is the weight loss, feeling better and how my clothes fit.
Luckily my energy increase has been great.
I don't know if it's because 
I am healing from the vocal cord paralysis 
(I was exhausted at the end of every day)
it's all these supplements and this healthy eating
it's the exercise (endorphin's)
it's just less weight on the bod gives you more energy.
It's all good either way :)

So...research.  You got it.

Tom and I continue to increase our weight for resistance weekly, increase our speed in speed work and training and increase our long runs on the weekends.  We have been doing this for the last month-about the time I have been stagnant with the weight loss.  

So the plan?  Gotta have a plan.  Keep it positive.  
Use this to motivate.
I am not gaining so that is good news.  I am staying the same.
I will continue to lift and increase weight and distance until we go on spring break here in a couple weeks.
At that time, it's inevitable, that we will not be able to do the level of weights the entire time we are gone.
That will be our back off period to let our bodies rest before we do another increase.

Sort of like when you are training for a half or marathon.  
You run with a 10% increase for several weeks in a row then you back off a week on mileage before another increase.  It makes you stronger and recharges you both physically and mentally.
So they say.
I ran one half marathon and I was ill prepared at that time.
I have done many training plans and been successful at increasing my times and distance though.
It works!

Here is our weight training work out
We took this from the Men's Health Website.

I have to take a few options but it works well for both Tom and I.
I want to add some core training.
We run for 10-15 minutes before and after for a total of about 3 miles.
We do this on Sundays and then Body Pump two other days.

Tomorrow we do a long run.  We're thinking in a town nearby instead of here for a change of scenery.
I am sure the trails are a muddy mess right now.  
I'm not opposed to getting my sweet shoes muddy but not that muddy.
The route looks like a 10k minimum (we are going to see how we feel) with a gigantic hill!

I am really excited also to try out some natural ideas for fuel during the long runs.  I liked a page on Facebook called Distant Runners and asked if anyone had ideas for clean (not processed ) energy on the run.  I got lots of help!  Love those Running Community Sites!

Click HERE for 
Ciara's Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy gel recipe.  
An all natural version of GU

Click HERE to go to Ciara's Blog
and get the recipe for this recovery drink shown above.

I want to try this recipe for a natural energy gel
but tomorrow I am going with just straight organic honey.

Click HERE for Ciara's energy gel

And a bonus thing I learned about the honey that I will need to test out...
My friend Shelly says that I should use local honey.  It helps with the allergens because the bees collect the local allergens.  COME ON SPRING! Mama needs to get to a farmers market!

As for other dietary concerns related to fitness...

The toe is unchanged.  My painful knees from all the squats are taking front and center now on the annoyance scale.  My podiatrist suggested putting Biofreeze on my sore joints before my run and I have to admit I think it's helpful.  I have taken anti inflammatories she prescribed by try not to.
I worry a little about taking them.

Read about that HERE from Daily Spark
In a nutshell, it hinders your bodies natural response to healing itself making it take even longer to recover.

The reason, these meds have been shown to decrease tissue regeneration, decrease collagen repair, as well as increasing gastrointestinal and kidney issues when taking them over a long period of time. And because they are also a pain reliever, these meds can mask pain, therefore a runner may run through an injury unaware of the damage that may be occurring.

I like this article on what eating anti inflammatory foods can do to speed your healing process.

I'm chowing the salmon for now ...... and pineapple.Icing the knees and the toe in prep for tomorrow.

Happy Friday guys!
Next week for motivation I am going to take my measurements again.

Nailbitter, I know.  Ha Ha

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