My name is Jenny and I love reading other people's blogs. Call it nosiness if you will but they motivate me to try new things or even just feel good about where I'm at with life.
I also love researching how I can be most healthy while not getting bored of eating well and exercising right for me at my age, at my fitness level, and at my current weight. Sometimes I do too much too fast and some times I never "Grow" in my learning and fitness. I had success once with getting into the 140's but I was only there for about half a year before another season came along and I was either bored, busy, or out of ideas (I also have a problem with saying no).
As with lots of others I feel like just as soon as I have my ducks in a row, something happens and then "Hey 20 extra pounds where did you come from?"
So here is where I started at this time... That's me in November 2012 at around 172 lbs right before we kicked off Weight Watchers. GULP! I was seeing my chiropractor every three weeks, wearing orthotics in my shoes for plantar fasciitis and attempting to get to the gym. I also have problems with either allergies or asthma or both and take medications and use an inhaler if needed. Sheeesh. I sound like a mess. Did I mention I'm only 41?!
Here's me now... February 2012 (3 months later and about 20lbs lighter). I weigh around 150 lbs. I work out 5 days a week. My chiro visits are spaced out further and I am feeling much better!
So, I figure I want to track my progress first for I can see why I slide back-if I begin to. Also, I just really appreciate everyone who blogs about weight loss, fitness, being a mom, and wife and fitting it all in. I like to see that it's hard for others too but that I shouldn't give up or get discouraged. I really get a lot out of looking at what motivates you, reading what you eat, and how you exercise...I even found a headband that stays ON MY HEAD during a workout. Ahhh the little things. Tee hee.
But seriously folks! I am nearly 42 years old and just beginning to get moving with this. There are far more experienced, educated and qualified people than myself out there. I am not an expert. I am just a wife and mom who feels happiest when she is fit.
I absolutely positively LOOOOOVVEE doing workouts with my husband. They are like mini dates for us. We try to be budget conscious so a workout or just plain outdoors time together is often free or cheap and fun and adventurous for us. Plus, he is his best when he can do something outdoors and active and that only benefits me. Har har winky face.
So take what you want from these blog posts. They are more or less a digital journal for me that you get to nose into. Have at.
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